
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Are they worth it?

Putting something towards another and making a profit off it is always good, but is it worth it?

Putting money into a MMA for such a long period of time and barely making any kind of profit off of it, does not really seem worth it.

To tell you the truth, (M)oney (M)arket (A)ccounts are worth it if you have that extra money laying around. Even though the make very little profits you can still be making a little more than you would from a regular banking account.

For me, if I had the money to put into a MMA, I would. As long as they compound daily, you will earn a little more. I mean making some kind of profit off of your extra money is worth it if you are not planning to use it soon.

Would you choose to use a MMA for your extra cash?

Is Money Everything?

The world evolves around money. It is like without money you have nothing. It is just a big cycle of money. In most situations, money will buy it. To live life better and more stable you have to have money.

Even in some situations money will buy "love." Kind of funny right, but it is true. It is basically saying that they just love the money that the person has, not the heart of another.

Although I like everything about money, when what is said above comes to mind, it is just ignorant.

How do you feel about a situation like that?


Just because I am asking what your favorite color is does not mean that I am really asking you what your favorite color is. Colors do stand for certain things and sometimes you can kind of tell how that person is or what their opinions are. But other times they may just lie about it, because someone already picked that color and they do not want to be different. Leading to people picking the same color because of the follow the leader type of scenario.

What do you think about the meanings of colors?


Although school may be a hassle at times, it seems to be the key for everything else out there. Basically everyone tells me that if you have an education, you have power. Meaning the power knowledge, which increases self-esteem, which in return just makes you more confident in what you are talking about or talking to more powerful people. More powerful people, meaning people like your bosses or government people. People that you think should have a better sense of knowledge.

I'm starting to think that these people who have told me so are actually true.

What do you think?

Online Earnings

Although it is nothing, I feel like I have accomplished something. I mean you have to start somewhere, but I feel like I am going no where. I almost have my Paperport Blogging account started, so I can write about more things. I dont really have much to say on here. I need some comments from people who know a little something about making money online.

I have earning around $60. The main reason for that is because I have slacked a lot and I work two jobs. I really want to make some kind of extra income online, because I personally think it is fun trying to find different ways to make money. For me it is not one of those things that make you just want to go to sleep because you are bored. It is one of those things that keeps you awake for hours and hours, just trying to find a way to make some kind of money.

Well I think I will find something to do. All these things about money just keep me occupied.

Let me know what you think or what the best thing that you are doing right now is. I would be very interested to find out what it is and how you are doing it.

Global Auto Hits

Global Auto Hits is just like DefiniteXchange, because all you have to do is click Surf Sites and it instantly starts surfing the sites for you. The only thing different from this one is that you only have to view each site for 6sec., meaning that you will earn more credits faster.

The more credits you have the more hits you earn to promote your site.

This site is good overall for getting hits for your site. Very easy to use and easy to learn. Just because there is nothing to it. Just sign up and start getting some hits for your site.

To join this site, just click the Link to the right that says Global Auto Hits.


This is a auto surf program that gets you site some hits from other users. They check out your site.

You earn by surfing through everyone else's sites. It is pretty easy because it views each site for 10secs, just enough time for someone to see what the site is about then it goes to another site.

I think this works pretty well for people that want more viewers. Even if you gain a little less hits from this site than Global Auto Hits, they give you extra things to do to get more credits.

To join this site, please use the link to the right that says DefiniteXchange.

Raising Livestock

Would raising a cheap livestock and selling them before profitable?

I was actually thinking about raising cows, the kind that you sell for meet. I hear they are pretty easy to maintain because all they eat is grass and straw. I believe they sell for around $500 and I think you can buy the little calfs for around $50. I mean if you just breeded them a little and kept them alive to sell, you could make some pretty good profit off of them. Although you would have to have a little bit of land to start out with and just buy a little more once you get more profit.

I dont know, it was just something to think about. What are your opinions?

Credit or Save

Are you the kind of person who wants the item right now at the moment? Unless you have money to pay for it before the end of the month, then you should just save up and buy the item. I mean, why not save up and earn what you are getting, rather than having to pay extra in the long run?

For me, I have been saving up for everything that I buy. Although I will use my credit card to buy something and pay it back within the few days after the purchase. Just so I can start building my credit in case of an emergency. Although I am still young I am still learning on all sorts of things.

If you have any stories that relate to this, please share them. For example, if you bought something. How much did it cost retail price and you used your credit card on it. Then how much did you cost you in the long run.

The best site?

What is the best site on the internet to earn money?

Is it free?

What are the requirements?

What is the job description?

How many people are already doing it?

I just want to know what would be one of the best sites on the internet to use to earn money. If you know of one that you thinkis the best for you, let me know. If I have already join a website, I still want your opinion about it.


Clix Sense

This is a paid to click site and all you have to do is click on an ad and let it sit there for 30sec, unless it interests you. Then you earn the amount that they are paying you to view it.

The key thing is that you almost have to upgrade your account to actually get a descent amount of earnings. I will be upgrading my account probably in the next week or two after I see how everything goes with just the regular membership.

Very easy site to learn from and there is nothing really to it.

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly. - Advertise your site at! Submit your site and get tons of traffic! - Advertise your site at! Submit your site and get tons of traffic!

Have a great day!

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